Tag Archives: BC:PP Chapter 15

Résumé Experience Statement Exercise

Instructors: Remind your students that effective résumé statements are written in a truncated style that eliminates personal pronouns (I, me, myself) and skips most articles (a, an, and the). These concise statements employ strong action verbs and specific nouns to describe employment achievements and skills.

Try a “round robin” approach to see how students edit on the fly! We’ve included printable files at the end of the post for your convenience.


Résumé Experience Statement Exercise        

Revise the following experience statements for conciseness. Some statements may also be improved by replacing weak verbs.


Poor:            In one of my classes, I researched, compiled, and wrote a 35-page business plan by myself.

Improved:   Researched and wrote 35-page business plan.

  1. I was responsible to make sure that four employees did their daily tasks.
  2. I attended to a variety of client inquiries in a busy office of 16 lawyers.
  3. Decided how to handle tenants’ problems including everything from clogged drains to broken windows.
  4. It was my job to make sure customer bills went out on a set schedule.
  5. Was a coach for an after-school baseball program where I coached a group of 12 boys and girls.
  6. Managed an entire database for two months for one of the sales departments in the company while the manager was away on maternity leave.
  7. As a volunteer, I participated in beach clean up and collected trash that was left over from the holiday weekend.
  8. Promoted after only six months to one of the first managerial positions for a start-up company’s business.
  9. Used various bookkeeping software applications such as QuickBooks and Quicken to help prepare clients’ monthly statements.
  10. Went to Spanish classes to improve my speaking and writing of Spanish.
  11. Part of the group that raised over $2000 for a charity that gave the money raised to help underserved youth.
  12. Wrote drafts of press releases to be posted on the company website for my supervisor.
  13. Designed and created a system that improved the day-to-day operating procedures.
  14. I was awarded outstanding salesperson prize for making more sales than any other salesperson for three months in a row.
  15. Did the planning for a regional meeting and successfully obtained a speaker and was able to find an appropriate venue.


  1. Supervised four employees and oversaw daily tasks.
  2. Addressed client inquiries for 16 attorneys.
  3. Resolved tenant complaints.
  4. Distributed customer bills on strict schedule.
  5. Coached 12 children for after-school baseball program.
  6. Managed sales database while manager took two-month leave.
  7. Participated in beach clean-up volunteer day to collect post-holiday trash.
  8. Promoted to managerial position at start-up company within six months.
  9. Performed bookkeeping tasks using QuickBooks and Quicken to prepare monthly client statements.
  10. Attended Spanish classes to improve speaking/writing skills.
  11. Helped raise $2000+ in donations for organization helping underserved youth.
  12. Drafted press releases for posting on company website.
  13. Created system to improve daily operations.
  14. Awarded outstanding salesperson prize for three consecutive months.
  15. Planned regional meeting; secured venue and speaker.

Résumé Exercise_Unedited

Résumé Statement Solutions




Adiós to Pounding the Pavement…Millennials are Job Hoppers…Freelance Numbers Climbing

No More Pavement Pounding

Forget pounding the pavement and the dark suit. Millennials looking for work will increasingly turn to a new batch of virtual recruiting methods. Students at Carnegie Mellon can participate in a Digital Career Fair in which companies post open positions and are matched with students meeting the positions’ criteria. If the student seems like a good fit, the company makes contact. This way, firms not attending a physical career fair see students’ résumés they would otherwise miss.

Another new digital job recruiting tool is being used at California Polytechnic State University. It works much like Netflix’s recommended viewing algorithm by suggesting potential employers to students based on the student’s interests and experience.

shutterstock_80519269Millennials Job Hop

As a group, millennials care more about pursuing their passions than high salaries. They realize that job security is not a given and have no desire for a long-term career with one employer. Consequently, if they don’t feel a company’s culture meshes with their values or they don’t find meaning in their work, they leave. Payscale.com’s annual Generations at Work survey reported that on average, millennials stay in one job for two years. Gen X workers stay an average of five years, and baby boomers hang on an average of seven years.

Freelance Numbers Climbing

Between online marketplaces such as Task Rabbit and employers cutting payrolls, the number of people working freelance has grown from 31 percent in 2006 to 34 percent in 2014. According to a survey by the Freelancers Union, fully one-third of the population is working freelance. Over 14 million moonlight after hours to help make ends meet; more than 21 million do temporary work on a per-project basis.