Tag Archives: ask questions to be more likable

Set Goals to Improve Focus… Ask Questions, Be More Likable… Habits of Resilient People

Set Goals to Improve Focus 

Setting goals improves focus and productivity. Here’s why.

Goals spark action. Setting a clear objective generates action, plain and simple. But rather than targeting vague goals, (I want a car) experts say setting specific goals yields results (Save $2000 by December for down payment on used Jeep.)

Goals set focus. Once a goal has been set, behavior to attain that goal follows.

Goals create momentum. Seeing progress leads to future action, which nets more progress, which creates momentum to attain the goal.

Goals build belief in self. Achieving goals builds character, confidence, and self-efficacy.

Boss, J. (2017, January 19). 5 reasons why goal setting will improve your focus. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com.

Ask Questions, Be More Likable

Harvard researchers have found that people prefer conversation partners who ask them questions—at least three. It’s called the Three Questions Rule, and it works because asking questions and actively listening to responses signals caring. Not surprisingly, people prefer those who seem to care about them.

However, the researchers discovered it’s not enough to simply ask any question. The questioner needs to ask something that will require follow up. In other words, a breezy How’s your day? as you pass someone’s workspace won’t work unless several more specific questions follow: Were you able to obtain permission to use that image you liked? What do you think about the new marketing plan?

This back-and-forth shows interest and generates goodwill because asking genuine questions indicates respect for another person, which in turn helps create true relationships, the researchers conclude.

Haden, J. (2021, April 19). Harvard researchers say this mindset matters most: Follow the rule of 3 questions to be more likable. Inc. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com

Habits of Resilient People

Building resiliency—the ability to cope with a crisis and move on—can be learned. Below are some ways to cultivate resilience.

Expect setbacks and rejection.  Everyone suffers setbacks, but resilient people face the challenge and move on.

Give up comfort and accept growing pains. While taking the comfortable path sounds good at the moment when discomfort arises, facing growing pains actually helps to move past them.

Postpone instant gratification. Don’t expect prompt payoff. Instead, focus on the long term.

Remember failures. By recalling obstacles you’ve overcome, you realize you have the strength to bounce back.


Identify self-doubts. Face the petty doubts that cramp your work style. Rein them in rather than letting them run you.

Finally, be kind to yourself when you experience failure. You’ll bounce back faster.

Robinson, B. (2020, November 30). 10 habits of highly resilient people.  Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com